Reversing Falls
Situated between Dennys Bay and Cobscook Bay, the 191-acre Reversing Falls Preserve provides spectacular views of the largest set of tidal falls on the Maine coast.
The word ‘Cobscook’ is the aptly described Maliseet-Passamaquoddy tribal word for “boiling tides”. Although the water is cold throughout the year, the churning tides often provide a visual illusion that they are boiling. Between the Reversing Falls Preserve and Falls Island a huge underwater ledge creates the falls. The dramatic tides in the bay rise and fall up to 24 feet every 6.4 hours. Several spur trails on the preserve allow hikers to find a quiet place to watch the abundant seals and bald eagles who make their home in the serenity of Cobscook Bay.
Directions: Take Route 1 to Pembroke. Turn east onto the extension of Route 214, immediately beside the Irving gas station. Turn right at the stop sign, then take an immediate left up a small hill onto the Leighton Point Road. Continue 3.3 miles, then turn right onto Clarkside Road and continue for 1.2 miles. At the end of Clarkside Road, turn left onto a dirt road and continue for 1.5 miles to the parking area.