Downeast has been bereft of a real white Christmas for many years. However, over this holiday week Santa Claus delivered for all of us a most beautiful blanket of light, fluffy powder! St Nick’s recent blessing was a perfect amount to create stunning winter wonderlands on all of DCC’s preserves.
Four of us – two 2-legged and two 4-legged went to frolic in the snow at Tide Mill Creek early on Boxing Day. The crisp blue air and bright but cool sun illuminated innumerable sparkling diamonds on the mounded trees and shrubs. Those of us skiing the Bear Creek Trail reveled in the dazzling but silent landscape.
The other half of our group instead delighted in a total snow immersion, rolling in and bounding through while investigating every hidden mouse home and deer track.
I can think of no better way to burn off those extra-accumulated calories from Christmas cake, plum pudding or apple pie! Whether in it or on it, I hope you too can experience the same home-grown, backyard joy during these gorgeous winter days at DCC preserves.

DCC Board President Robin Pinto explored Tide Mill Creek in Jonesboro with two of her furry friends.