Josie Winslow hard at work clearing brush
DCC’s part-time, whirlwind forester, Ashby Bladen, had come through previously and cut the path. However, the downed remains of his chainsaw lay everywhere. It was our job to pick up, heave off, and otherwise strategically hide Ashby’s leavings along the trail addition.
Our new trail departs at the Heritage Trail parking lot and heads westward along a ridgeline to connect with the now-abandoned Munson Pitch Road. This historic road was originally intended to connect a proposed – but never built – mill site on the Machias River to Route 1A. Instead, it provided access to several small Atusville farms, part of the historic Black community between Machias and Whitneyville, and later to a series of Red Pine and Norway Spruce tree plantations along its length.

Now abandoned Munson Pitch Road looking South to the Machias River

Machias River looking upstream at Munson Pitch

The Machias Savings Bank team. (L to R) Carrie, Josie Winslow, Dad Kyle Winslow (and DCC Stewardship Director), David Dowley, Becky, Lance, and Mary Lou.
Within two hours, our energetic team had cleared the entire trail. As a reward for our hard work, we finished by hiking the old road down to the River.
When completed, the new trail and linkage with the old road will create a shorter route to the middle section of the Machias River at one of its most beautiful locations. Both fishermen and swimmers have been known to frequent this site (though not together!).
We are incredibly grateful to our four volunteers and the Machias Savings Bank who have supported DCC and so many of our projects and programs with labor, enthusiasm, and financial support. It is this kind of community endeavor that keeps the Machias River Preserve an outstanding example of Community Conservation!