Ingersoll Point Preserve
A splendid diversity of mosses and lichens carpet and encrust the forest floor across the 145-acre Ingersoll Point Preserve.
Trail Activities:

Difficulty & Length:
Moderate, 3.4 miles of trail network
The Ingersoll Point Preserve consists of 145-forested acres with over one mile of rocky shoreline on Carrying Place Cove and Wohoa Bay in South Addison.
Adler Woods Trail, 1.3 miles, starts from the back of the South Addison Community of Christ Church parking lot by the Ingersoll Point Preserve sign. After a short walk through alder bushes, hikers find themselves engulfed by the lush green of a forest carpeted with moss, lichen, sedges and other plant species.The trail passes the cellar hole of the Ingersoll homestead before opening up to the beach at Ingersoll Point. Wohoa Bay Trail, 0.8 mile, runs parallel to the Adler Woods Trail and opens onto the beach at Wohoa Bay. The trail continues along the beach, where it connects with the Adler Woods Trail and Carrying Place Cove Trail. Carrying Place Cove Trail, 1.0 mile, leaves from the Adler Woods Trail at Polypody Rock, so named for its beautiful fern grove. The trail arrive at the shore at Carrying Place and follows the shoreline to the beach, the Adler Woods Trail, and the Wohoa Bay Trail. The forestland along the Cove is quite different from the interior trails. Moss Trail, 0.3 mile, is a short but beautiful connector trail between Wohoa Bay Trail and Adler Woods Trail. The Moss Trail is a great area to enjoy the woods, lush mosses and lichen landscapes.
Trailhead Directions:
From Route 1, turn south onto Route 187/Indian River Road at Wild Blueberry Land. In 2 miles, turn right on Wescogus. Road. Continue 1.4 miles; then turn left on East Side Road. Follow East Side Road 6 miles and turn right onto Mooseneck Road. Continue on Mooseneck Road 1.5 miles to the South Addison Community of Christ Church on the left. Park at the back of the Church. The trailhead begins at the southeast corner of the parking lot.
Trail Map: