This year, DCC Member and local artist, Robert Miller is donating two of his paintings to support our annual appeal efforts. Any current member who brings in a new member will be entered in a drawing for one of his framed paintings. All new members will be entered in a drawing for the second framed painting.
Gifts to DCC make a positive contribution to conservation and community well-being. If you are a member and have already given this year, we thank you! We ask that you pass this message on to other like-minded individuals.
New members – We hope you will consider making a gift to DCC before the year end to help us start the 2021 year strong! Your support is critical to the growing success of our organization.
For the membership drive drawing please remember to indicate who introduced you to DCC by either:
- Including the current member’s name with your mailed in donation or
- Indicating this donation is “in Honor of <the current member>” when making an online donation
Thank you all for being part of the Downeast Coastal Conservancy community!
Thank you, Robert Miller, for the donation of your beautiful paintings!

For more information or questions email our Membership Director Cathy at